Cindy Carnie

Practice Manager

Client Services Specialist Cindy Carnie started her career at one of the big banks and worked her way up through the ranks over 23 years.

She’s the kind of person who gets excited when she talks about money and feels passionately about teaching young ones the value of money.

Happy, bright and positive, Cindy brings laughter and life to the Step Up office.

And with her extensive experience in finance, she knows what she’s good at and how best to help people achieve their dreams.

“I love helping people, and I get great satisfaction from knowing people are heading in the right direction. My knowledge has grown and expanded since being with Julie and the Step Up team.”

With 15-year-old twins, Cindy also knows what she needs to do to make sure they are financially independent.

“I’ve always put small amounts of money aside regularly for them, and make sure they are being sensible with their money.  If the kids want to buy something, they need to think hard about it and save for it.  It’s our responsibility to teach them the value of money.”

Cindy enjoys lots of things in life but especially loves getting to the beach and dipping her toes in the sand, totally heaven!  Planning for the future is a high priority as well as slowing down long enough to appreciate what she has in life.

Need more information? Get in touch with Step Up Financial

    • 107 Moulder Street,
      Orange, NSW 2800

      PO Box 2499
      Orange, NSW 2800

    • (02) 6362 5445

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