Investing in your superannuation

Making the most of your superannuation

Maximising your superannuation requires careful planning and ongoing management. By taking a proactive approach and utilising available financial strategies, you can build a substantial retirement nest egg.

Superannuation is a long-term investment, so starting early, staying informed and having an expert financial planner are vital to achieving your retirement goals.

Ensuring you are in the most appropriate fund for your requirements, making regular contributions, taking advantage of salary sacrifice options, consolidating, taking advantage of a low tax environment, investing your super and reviewing insurance options are a few things you can do that contribute to your long-term superannuation returns.

What is Superannuation

Super is real money

Your superannuation is real money, and it is your money. With people living longer, you are estimated to need a minimum of $1 million in superannuation or other savings to support your post-working life.

At Step Up Financial, we step you through the superannuation process and how to take an active role in reaching the $1 million threshold. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of industry funds versus retail funds and whether a self-managed super fund (SMSF) best fits your circumstances, you can actively participate in your superannuation’s performance.

Your superannuation is one of your most important financial channels. Don’t let it be a set-and-forget part of your financial plan. Get real advice and take action to ensure your super makes the difference it was designed to make.

Woman's hand putting house model on top of coins stack.

Take an active approach to your superannuation

Superannuation is your financial lifeline. Its purpose is to ensure that you retire with dignity and independence. These savings empower you to maintain your lifestyle and enjoy your golden years. It represents the culmination of your hard work, providing security for your loved ones when you’re no longer in the workforce. Your superannuation is a bridge to financial freedom. By engaging a qualified and experienced financial planner you are taking an active approach to your superannuation.

Ensuring you have visibility over your money and the best advice to make informed and educated decisions, your superannuation becomes more than a basic savings plan. It is important to know and understand the nuances of superannuation, how it works, and how to make it work harder for you.

At Step Up Financial, we help guide you in the right direction so you can optimise your superannuation and look forward to financial freedom in retirement.

How we help you

As fully qualified, experienced financial planners, we’re able to help you understand and manage your superannuation strategy more effectively.

We are a full service financial planning firm that specialises in expert advice on budgeting, debt management, superannuation, retirement planning, asset financing, direct share portfolios and research, investing strategies, personal insurance, estate planning and aged care advisory.

Regardless of your current life stage, sourcing professional financial planning advice will make a positive difference.

Are you ready to Step Up and take control of YOUR financial future?

Using the Step Up Financial Process, we help you launch the plan that will grow your wealth, protect your wealth and keep you in control.

Step Up and take control of your financial future by contacting our local team of experienced financial planners today.

Need more information? Get in touch with Step Up Financial

    • 107 Moulder Street,
      Orange, NSW 2800

      PO Box 2499
      Orange, NSW 2800

    • (02) 6362 5445

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